How to get your Vancouver property ready for an Open House!

How to get your Vancouver property ready for an Open House 
Living in a city like Vancouver you have no doubt already had some experiences with Open Houses by now. In fact when it came to buying your current property, there’s a very good chance that you attended more than your fair share of them. 
But while you may have attended Open Houses as a buyer, it’s an altogether different experience as a seller. And, if you are going to have a shot at achieving the best possible selling price for your home, it’s vital that you prepare ahead of time to make the most out of the opportunity.

What is an Open House?  
Put simply an Open House is an opportunity for people to physically tour your home. There are two main types of Open House. There’s the standard Public Open House, the typical 2 - 4 pm Saturday or Sunday affairs that you attended as a buyer. There’s also an Agents Open House, where agents get an opportunity to visit new listings so that they can keep their clients up to date with what is coming to market. 

Why are Open Houses important?  
Open Houses are a great marketing opportunity and an important tool in helping people to confirm their interest in your property. 
Buying a home is a big decision and so it’s only natural that people want to physically engage with the space they want to buy. A home isn't a piece of clothing or a TV that you can buy off of the internet. Instead it’s probably the most expensive purchase you’re ever going to make, so it’s only understandable that they spend time getting a feel for the space. 

How can you prepare for an Open House?  
A good realtor will work with you ensure that your property is ready to be presented to Buyers. I’ve previously written about the importance of presenting your home in the best possible lightto buyers and nowhere is that more true than when it comes to your Open House.  
Remember that once you decide to sell it, your property is no longer a home, it is a product. As such you’ve got to present it in the best possible light for clients. One of the easiest ways to do this is to declutter. Not only will it make your space look bigger it will also create the impression of a blank canvas, a clean slate in which potential buyers can imagine themselves living. The home doesn’t have to look barren or un-lived in, but it should be clean, clear and non intrusive on the senses. 
If your home is in need of a more general facelift in the form of repairs or a new lick of paint, then make sure that you get all of the work done before you even consider placing the property on the public market. Every buyer is looking for a home that they can move into straightaway. They don't want to take on anybody else’s problems, instead they want a turnkey property that they can start enjoying from day one. So if your home needs repairs or a refresh make sure that they are done as soon as possible.

What happens after an Open House?  
Now this is the fun part! It’s the moment you and your realtor have been working towards. If you’ve marketed it correctly and priced it right then this is the time when buyers turn their interest into offers. Picking the right realtor will help you to put you and your property in a position to receive the best offers for your home, and negotiate them to their fullest. 
At McInnes Marketing we use the Open House as the final stage in the marketing process. We focus heavily on getting all of the details about your home in front of buyers before they even set foot in your home. That way our Open Houses are full of potential buyers that are already interested in the property and are simply having a final walkthrough before they make you an offer. 


If you are thinking about selling your Vancouver home, get in touch and I’d be happy to talk your situation through. Alternatively why not sign upfor our monthly newsletter to stay in touch with the latest news and views on Vancouver Real Estate.  

Contact us directly today at 604-771-4606 or